Faith is like a Seed

7:25 AM

I made this fun visual when I taught Sunday school for the youth a couple of years ago! Super easy with colored paper and a laminator. The visual helped facilitate a great discussion on faith, the ways to help it grow and the ways it can be attacked!
Faith is like a seed! If we plant it, it will grow! 
What does a seed need to help it grow? Sun. Rain. Soft soil. Those are the simple answers. But I also included fertilizer! As well as things that stop a plant from growing big. Like wind and bugs! And a force filed(insecticide) to protect the plant!

How can we start our little faith off well? (Soft soil)
What things try our faith? (Wind)
How do we grow stronger? (The roots)
What things attack our faith? (The bug)
How do we nourish our faith? (Sun and water)
What kind of things are ultra boosts in our faith? (Fertilizer)

Discuss this with your family? What answers did they find!? Everytime I bring this visual out I discover new answers!

Here’s my thoughts on faith for the time being!

When we use the small smidgen of faith we start off with we need to have a willingness to act (soft soil). My faith has grown as I have acted on that willingness to follow what is required as I continue that faith. Many people say they want to learn and grow in faith but are only willing to go so far in sacrificing and changing(rocky soil).
My faith has been tried throughout my life. Which has caused me to lean even more on Christ and his doctrine. It has allowed my roots to grow strong and deep. Most recently our struggles with infertility have tried me... hard. So many questions of WHY and WHEN! To be honest it shook my faith and to the core. In “hindsight” after the initial 4 years of questioning... I see my roots stronger than ever. I now lean harder into Christ and trust in His plan for me and my family!
I’ve receive ultra boosts of faith as I have made covenants with God through baptism and the sacred ordinances in the temple. Another huge fertilizer was my mission for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints as I dedicated ALL my time and energy in serving others.
I am deeply grateful for the Holy Ghost that protects me from Satan’s attacks. Warns me when evil is present. Whispers to turn around when danger is present. Comforts me when I am struggling! What a wonderful gift from our Heavenly Father.
Sun and Water 
Prayer and the sacred scriptures are a must in helping me grow. Have you ever felt like your faith was a wilted dying plant! Yea! Me too. I often find my silty self when I lack in my essentials to growth which are prayer and scripture study! They are as vital to us as the sun and water are to a plants health.

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